Home/ Joining Flex Lease/ Can you join the service with a foreign license? Can you join the service with a foreign license? Last updated 12/06/2024 To use the service, drivers with a foreign license need to confirm that they’ve been in Israel for less than a year.&p[images][0]=" onclick="window.open(this.href, this.title, 'toolbar=0, status=0, width=548, height=325'); return false" target="_parent"> LinkedIn To use the service, drivers with a foreign license need to confirm that they’ve been in Israel for less than a year.&p[images][0]=" onclick="window.open(this.href, this.title, 'toolbar=0, status=0, width=548, height=325'); return false" target="_parent"> Facebook Gmail WhatsApp Sharing Easy and Convenient Van Rental with GoTo Read more Flex Lease GoTo Flex Lease: The Smart Alternative to 3-Month Car Rentals Read more Sharing Car Sharing: A Modern Solution for Urban Mobility Read more