Service pricing list - private

CategoryCar ModelDRIVE Plan LITE Plan
Monthly subscription--50 ₪20 ₪
Compact carsKIA Picanto, Mitsubishi Space Star, Chevrolet SparkHourly / Daily*15 ₪ / 120 ₪18 ₪ / 150 ₪
--Price per km (up to 50 km)2.30 ₪2.30 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km)1.30 ₪1.30 ₪
Family carsHyundai Accent, Kia RioHourly / Daily*20 ₪ / 165 ₪23 ₪ / 195 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km)2.30 ₪ 2.30 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km)1.30 ₪1.30 ₪
Small cargo vansCitroen Berlingo Hourly / Daily*33 ₪ / 250 ₪36 ₪ /280 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km)2.30 ₪ 2.30 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km) 1.30 ₪1.30 ₪
Large cargo vansCitroen Berlingo Max, Jumpi Hourly / Daily*49 ₪ / 480 ₪52 ₪ / 510 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km) 2.30 ₪ 2.30 ₪
--Price per km (above 50 km)2.30 ₪ 2.30 ₪

Additional costs for the shared car service:

Weekend/Holiday Surcharge:

Hourly Rate: An additional ₪4 per hour /Daily Rate: An additional ₪40 per day.

The weekend/holiday rate applies from Thursday at 11:00 PM (or the night before the holiday) until Saturday at 11:00 PM (or the end of the holiday).

Insurance Coverage for Waiving Deductibles :

Private vehicles (basic or family categories), the monthly rate is ₪59.

For vans or luxury vehicles, the monthly rate is ₪299 per driver.

Additional Costs for car rental and sharing Services:

Single Trip Waiver of Deductible:

The cost for waiving deductibles on a per-trip basis will be determined based on the type of vehicle, rental duration, and the driver’s age.

Young Driver Surcharge:  Drivers aged 18-24, with at least 1 year of driving experience, will incur an additional charge of ₪0.50 per kilometer.

The calculation of hourly rental costs within a single day will not exceed the daily rental rate.
All prices include VAT.
Daily rentals, where part or all of the rental period falls during the weekend, will be charged according to the weekend daily rate.
Example: A trip starting on Thursday at 7:00 AM and ending on Friday at 7:00 AM will be charged the weekend daily rate.

A. Registering for the service

Subscription deactivationIf you cancel before the month ends, the fee is not refundable
Subscription reactivation45 ₪
Adding an additional driver and generating new subscription card for private accounts (limited to first-degree relatives)45 ₪
Adding an additional driver and generating new subscription card for business accounts (company employees only)82 ₪

B. Reservations- shared cars service

Reservation adjustment fee 24 hours before startFree (0 ₪)
Order Modification/Cancellation Fee (Between 24 and 3 Hours Before the Scheduled Start Time): The reduced/canceled time will be charged at the hourly rate applicable under the subscription plan. However, the total of the trip fare plus the modification/cancellation fee shall not exceed the daily rate.50% of the value of the reduced/canceled time
Order Modification/Cancellation Fee (Less Than 3 Hours Before the Scheduled Start Time): The reduced/canceled time will be charged at the hourly rate applicable under the subscription plan. However, the total of the trip fare plus the modification/cancellation fee shall not exceed the daily rate.*100% of the value of the reduced/canceled time
Early returnCharge for the utilized time (minimum of two hours) at full price, plus 50% of the cost of the remaining time (not charged).

C. Violations of the Terms and Conditions

A late fee will apply in addition to the regular usage fees charged for the reservation and the delay period. 75 ₪+ 1 ₪ per min
A fee for returning a vehicle with fuel levels below a quarter of a tank or electric vehicles with less than 15 kilometers of remaining range75 ₪
Failure to report or return a vehicle dirty (internal cleanliness)100 ₪
Failure to check and report vehicle damage180 ₪
A fee for dirty vehicle return (needs chemical cleaning) 450 ₪
Loss of a vehicle or parking lot key400 ₪
A charge for an unauthorized vehicle use, including driving with lights on, open doors or windows, and improper parkingStarting from ₪75 up to the amount of the deductible
Smoking in the vehicle180 ₪
Transporting an animal in a vehicle500 ₪
A fee for handling a parking fine75 ₪

D. Accidents, Towing, and Deductible Participation

The rescue fee of the vehicle due to a malfunction arising from improper use and/or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the company's service agreementBased on the supplier's pricelist
Extraction fee: If your vehicle is immobilized due to a flat tire, empty fuel tank, or wrong parking, you'll be charged. The fee is based on the round-trip distance our service vehicle travels to reach you.According to the rescue price list
The fee associated with tire replacement234 ₪ for basic and family cars and 409 ₪ for vans
Within a 15-kilometer radius of the vehicle's designated parking location, when rescue is facilitated by operational personnel120 ₪
Every additional kilometer up to 85 km2.5 ₪
Charge for rescue exceeding a 100-kilometer distance from the vehicle's designated parking location332 ₪
A charge is applicable for the deployment of two rescue personnel in instances where the customer prefers not to wait in their vehicle (in addition to extraction fee above)250 ₪
Compensation for damage to the vehicle or a third-party vehicle in the event of an accidentUp to the applicable deductible amount, as specified in the contract terms and contingent upon the vehicle's class.

E. Damages below the deductible amount

The cost of repairs will be determined by the quoted amount for damage repair services.

F. Deductible amounts

ClassDeductible amount
Compact cars2340 ₪
Family cars3510 ₪
Prestigious cars or vans4680 ₪

G. Benefits, Credits, and Account Credit

Travel credit for refuelling a car will be granted to accounts within two months of the fuel purchase date10 ₪
Travel credit for cleaning a car at the registered car wash station will be granted to accounts within two months of the car wash date35 ₪

Credit Card Hold for Each Basic or Family Category Vehicle Rental: Minimum ₪200 per reservation, up to a maximum of ₪2,000.
For this section, a single reservation is considered as:
(1) A rental for 24 hours or any part of 24 hours (e.g., both a 25-hour rental and a 48-hour rental are considered as two separate reservations for the purpose of the credit card hold), or
(2) A continuous reservation of less than 24 hours (e.g., if the subscriber books two separate trips on the same day, one for 3 hours and one for 5 hours, this will be considered as two separate reservations for the purpose of the credit card hold).

Credit Card Hold for Non-Basic or Non-Family Category Vehicles: ₪2,000 per reservation.
For this section, a single reservation is considered as any rental period, and a hold of ₪2,000 will be applied from the moment of rental (e.g., for a one-hour rental of a non-basic or non-family vehicle, a credit card hold of ₪2,000 will be placed).

Rental Hour Calculation:
The total rental hours within a single day will not exceed the daily rental rate.
All prices include VAT.
If part or all of the rental period falls during the weekend, the rental will be charged according to the weekend daily rate.
Example: A trip starting on Thursday at 7:00 AM and ending on Friday at 7:00 AM will be charged the weekend daily rate.